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Book/Online Audio pack. 27 songs with chord changes, performance and fingering suggestions. Designed to give players a repertoire of common tunes and commonly used techniques such as slides, double stops, fiddle shuffles, tremolos, double-time ornaments and syncopation. "Big Mon," "Arkansas Traveler," "Sailor's Hornpipe," "Sally Goodin," "Whiskey Before Breakfast," "Kentucky Mandolin," "Old Dangerfield," more. The audio files include PLAYBACK+, a multi-functional audio player that allows you to slow down audio without changing pitch, set loop points, change keys, and pan left or right.


Easy Irish And Celtic Melodies and accompanying audio present Irish, Celtic and British Isles folk melodies for the 5-string banjo.

The book demonstrates contemporary Celtic fingerstyle banjo in G tuning using modern techniques. 32 airs and song melodies are presented, with chords written in standard notation and tablature.


The RR1 and RR2 'Signature Model' Guitar Steels as created and used by the great Robert Randolph. Comes blister packed. Please see below for more details.


With its wealth of information on how technique can be tastefully applied, Back-Up Banjo is the definitive book on the subject of banjo accompaniment.


A completely hand-crafted instrument …The Amadeus is as near to perfection as you get, and a dream to play. 


Seasoned music educator and multi-instrumentalist, Rob MacKillop presents this introductory classical repertoire for the intermediate tenor banjoist. Derived from method books for the mandolin, cello and guitar, these progressive melodic studies are typeset in standard notation and tablature. Readers are encouraged to start at the beginning and listen to the authorÆs online recordings for guidance. Various keys, rhythms and time signatures are represented for a thorough grounding in note reading.Most importantly, these studies have been chosen to develop musicianship, not just technique. Creating your own left-hand fingering and original interpretive ideas will build the confidence needed to become an authoritative classical performer.If you have played the tenor banjo by ear or relied on tablature exclusively in the past, this is the book and now is the time to access the world of standard notation for whatever style of music that interests you. The author provides liberal playing tips and suggestions for further sight reading.As the perfect fifth tunings of the tenor banjo and mandola are the same (CGDA), this music can also be played on the mandola. Includes access to online audio.


Fiddle Tunes for Banjo Made Easy is a collection of must-know, easy-to-learn bluegrass instrumental standards. Ross records each song at three speeds and also includes a rhythm backup track. The slow speed is ideal for hearing the notes clearly and being able to play along in rhythm; the medium speed is a perfect goal for the beginning and intermediate student while the faster speed demonstrates what the song can sound like with a hard, driving push. The tablature is large for ease of reading and includes accent marks for melody notes where needed. Ross also provides tips and suggestions for each song to save you valuable practice time. These are tips on the more challenging spots that Ross has learned firsthand from teaching these privately for many years.

RRP £14.95
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Solo Solutions is a 3-step guideline for the Electric Guitar player who intends to develop his soloing skills. While the 1st step explains different playing techniques and stylistic devices, the 2nd step is dealing with lead Guitar related music theory and scales. The 3rd step combines the two first chapters with countless examples and suggestions on developing your own style.

This book features an exclusive hands-on approach, which makes it a great learning tool and a must for the modern Guitar player.



This tune book contains jigs and reels from the Portland, Oregon contra dance repertoire. Irish, Scottish, Québécois, Appalachian, and New England genres are represented. The tunes are both traditional and recently composed, from local treasures to national contra dance standards. There is an extensive commentary on every tune including stories about the tunes from their composers. There are chord suggestions, a discography, a bibliography, and more. The tunes and their histories were collected from many local contra dance musicians who generously gave of their time and talent to help create this comprehensive musical resource.



The Portland Collection, Volume 2 is a continuation of the music in the first Portland Collection, and its format is identical to that of the earlier book. Volume 2 contains 322 jigs and reels from the Portland, Oregon contra dance repertoire–all music that arrived in Portland since the tunes were collected for the first book in 1994-95. Again, Irish, Scottish, Québécois, Appalachian, and New England genres are represented. The tunes are both traditional and recently composed, from local treasures to national contra dance standards. There is an extensive commentary on every tune including stories about the tunes from their composers. There are chord suggestions, a discography, a bibliography, and more. The tunes and their histories were collected from many local contra dance musicians who generously gave of their time and talent to help us expand on the music in Volume 1.


The ultimate reference guide to scales, arpeggios, and chords in all keys. Contains 84 essential scale types with the corresponding arpeggio and chords right at your fingertips.


First Lessons on Banjo is an ultra-easy instruction manual for beginning five-string banjo played in the three finger style in G tuning. It can be used by those with no previous experience with the banjo or music of any sort. It is so basic it can be used even by small children.

The book features very detailed descriptions of even the most basic aspects such as wearing the picks properly, the correct picking motion, and noting the strings properly. These are aspects that are so basic most manuals skip over them. There are many detailed photos, several from the player's point of view, not from in front of the banjo.


Easy to play five-string banjo arrangements of twenty-four Children's favorites by banjo master Ross Nickerson. Not only are these songs fun to play but from an instructional standpoint they are perfect for helping you develop the ability to bring out the melody in the bluegrass banjo style. Accenting the melody within the steady rhythmic roll of banjo playing is one of the biggest challenges facing banjo students and these familiar melodies are ideal for your development of that skill. Each song is arranged and performed using proper three-finger bluegrass technique. The arrangements are carefully designed to bring out the melody, but easy enough for a beginner or intermediate player to learn quickly.

This beginner's guide to the traditional Irish Bodhran was written by successful Bodhran performer and teacher Bill Woods, who has drawn on decades of experience to create an integrated method that incorporates photographs, text and audio examples for a complete learning experience.

The harp is the quintessential wedding instrument. Its romantic image and sound make it ideal for the special day which represents a landmark in the life of the bride and groom and their families. The music they choose will stay with them in memory and meaning for a lifetime. This book contains a variety of classic, traditional, and ethnic music, some pieces you will recognize as "standards," and some you may never have heard before.