Mel Bay Improvisation Bridging the Gap Treble Clef Edition - Clearance

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This book is intended for players with limited or no jazz playing experience who wish to develop their own style of improvisation to an acceptable performance level, whilst also gaining self satisfaction.
Many players who have limited technical ability and knowledge of scales can, and do play jazz on simple progressions such as "The Blues'. The challenge of playing the more interesting and difficult progressions of the jazz standard repertoire will require a greater knowledge of scales and chords.
Improvising requires the player to make up interesting melodic ideas, while playing in accordance with the harmonic progressions of the tune. The player should consider a jazz solo as a 'piece of art'. The aim is to make the solo develop on the original thematic and harmonic material of the tune, and most importantly, make it interesting for the audience.
As players advance through this book they will realize their own shortcomings. Achieving equal proficiency in all 12 major and minor keys, together with a knowledge of all chord symbols, will alleviate many of these problems.


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